The Civil Registry Office (Urząd Stanu Cywilnego) is the first important institution to start genealogical research. Knowledge about our ancestors often ends with grandparents, or in the best case, great-grandparents. Frequently, only the names are known, and the exact date and place of birth seem impossible to determine. Many claim that there is no chance of discovering information about further generations because “grandma burned the documents in anger,” “there is no one left to ask,” or “grandpa refuses to talk about what happened.”
The good news is that even in such situations, not all is lost, and assistance can come from the Civil Registry Office.
At the Polish Civil Registry Office, you’ll find birth records less than 100 years old, as well as marriage and death records less than 80 years old.
After this time, theoretically, the documents are transferred to the State Archive (Archiwum Państwowe). They can then be freely accessed for viewing in the archive’s reading room or remotely, if they have been scanned and made available in an online search engine.
In theory – because there are sometimes delays in transferring the records, it can also happen that several years are grouped together in one register. In such cases, one may need to wait until the most recent year reaches the 100-year mark.
The documents held in the Civil Registry Office are protected under personal data regulations, so not everyone has access to them.
This means that you can easily request a copy of your grandmother’s birth certificate. However, if you need the birth certificate of her sister or brother, you’ll have to ask for assistance from your uncle, aunt, or cousins.
If the person whose document you’re interested in was born in a larger city, their birth certificate will be kept in the local Civil Registry Office. The same applies to marriage or death certificates.
In the case of a smaller town or village, start by determining the municipality to which the place belongs. If you’re unsure, it’s worth calling the nearby Civil Registry Offices and asking the clerk. Sometimes they can quickly check if a particular record exists. Occasionally, it may turn out that documents from a specific year have been destroyed, or depending on the period, they may be stored in several different Civil Registry Offices – so it’s worth inquiring.
You can obtain a copy of a document in three ways:
The abbreviated copy costs 22 złoty, while the complete copy costs 33 złoty. It’s worth paying the extra 11 złoty because the complete copy includes all the information from the original document, including annotations that can be vital for genealogical research, such as details about adoption, name changes, religious conversions, deaths, and marriages.
The response from the Civil Registry Office can be either positive or negative. In the case of a positive response, you will receive a copy of the document containing new information about your ancestors. However, it may also happen that the document is not found. There could be several reasons for this:
In the meantime, I’ll be rooting for successful applications!
Talk to you later,
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